Our largest ministry is Gerizim Christian School, pre-kinder through 9th grade, 200 students. We are helping to educate the next generation of Guatemalans. We are preparing the children to take their God-given place as honorable adults in the area of: parents, pastors, missionaries, doctors, nurses, business people and last, but not least, one day the President of the nation of Guatemala and his/her cabinet. The students are receiving a quality education in academics and a quality education in the Word of God. They have Bible study daily and a chapel service weekly.
All of this is possible with the support of our sponsors. Sponsorship is $360 yearly or $30 monthly per student. If you would like to become a sponsor, please fill in the form at the bottom of the gallery below.
Feel Free to Contact Us With Questions Or Comments!
P.O. Box 1351
Snyder, TX 79550